
2024 Mid-Year Update from Abey George, Our Executive Director

Female gendercide wasn’t a concept consciously acknowledged by many people in India, even just a decade ago, but today it is becoming increasingly prominent on the Indian radar. Over more than a decade of our efforts, you have faithfully stood with us to raise our voices together against this scourge. At the start of this […]

A Note from our Executive Director

“According to the historical census data of India, the female sex ratio has trended downward from a high of 972 in 1901 to an all-time love of 927 in 1991. While the trendline has moved upward since then, it has remained among the lowest in the world. Today, it is at just above 940, according […]

Goals for 2024

Our IGP team wishes you all a happy and prosperous 2024! As we have been celebrating the work IGP completed in 2023, we can’t help but look forward with excited anticipation to what’s ahead this year. When asked about his thoughts for 2024, our Executive Director, Abey George said, “It has been one year since […]

Community United: Commitment to Abolish Child Marriage

Community United: Commitment to Abolish Child Marriage

A woman competing in the art competition Two months ago one of our new partners helped girls lead a campaign against child marriage. Boys and girls, unified by the cause, worked together to reach their community. Almost 200 people came to the events during the two day campaign. The campaign had many highlights that included: […]

Girls United: Campaigning Against Female Gendercide in Rural Communities

Girls United: Campaigning Against Female Gendercide in Rural Communities

As of recently, IGP has a new partner who is making incredible progress in combating the horrifying practices of female gendercide. This partner, based in the state of Maharashtra, has reached over 22,832 people in a four month period (from July to September 2023). They have achieved over 65% of our target goal! Their work […]

The toll of sex-selective abortions on India’s female population

An average of 13,500 girls in India die before they are even born. “In the past 10 years, nothing has been done to combat gender discrimination.” – Jill McElya, Invisible Girl Project CEO Until now. Join us in ending female gendercide in India! Read Veja Magazine’s whole article here for more information and an interview […]

Activists uncover sex-selective abortions in India, reports CNN

We estimate that five to seven million sex-selective abortions are carried out in India every year. When undercover activists exposed a doctor carrying out illegal sex-selective abortions in India, he was convicted and jailed. But many are not caught. Help us change this injustice by giving here. A pregnant woman sat in a hospital consultation […]

19 fetuses found buried in India, reports CNN

Female gendercide is real and still happening in India every day. It is one reason why India is ranked as the fourth most dangerous country in the world to be a woman. We are committed to fighting it, saving lives, and making India safer for girls and women. CNN recently recognized us in an article […]

You can never love too much: Divya & Sowmya’s story

Our new campaign, “You Can Never Love Too Much,” launches this week to kick off the month of February. In lieu of flowers and chocolates for Valentine’s Day, we are asking people to give a gift that transcends just one day. Last year alone, our partners rescued 50 babies and little girls in India. The […]