Hamsini’s Rescue

Due to a long-standing societal tradition, Nabha* and Saachi* were married young. They desired a son, which Nabha believed was essential for his honor and a source of pride in his community. After Saachi gave birth to their first child, a daughter named Hamsini*, Nabha began to abuse and neglect his wife and new baby, believing Hamsini’s birth brought great shame upon him.

Desperate for Nabha’s approval, Saachi focused on having a son, which led to Hamsini being severely neglected by her mother. Seven years later, Saachi became pregnant again and gave birth to a second daughter. This was enough for Nabha to start avoiding home and treating his daughters with utmost contempt, denying them their basic needs.

Determined to rid himself of his daughters, Nabha decided to arrange a marriage for Hamsini, planning to sell her. Despite her young age, he intended to receive money for her, freeing himself from the supposed financial burden of having a girl child.

Hamsini’s grandmother, the only person in her family who loved Hamsini and her sister, had heard IGP promoting equality for girls at a community training session. She reached out to us for help. When we met Hamsini, she tearfully expressed her desire to study and avoid a life of dependency, as she had seen her mother and other women live.

Our team organized a meeting with local leaders and Nabha’s boss, explaining the value of daughters and the legal consequences of child marriage. Hamsini, with courage and resilience, shared her dreams to pursue her education. After the meeting, our team offered to support Hamsini’s education and provide her needs through our Child Sponsorship program.

Due to community pressure, legal ramifications, and the heartfelt pleas of his daughter and mother, Nabha was forced to reconsider his plan. Our team helped protect Hamsini from the same long-standing societal tradition that her parents were forced into following, successfully preventing another child marriage. Once Hamsini and her sister joined our Child Sponsorship program, they received continued access to education, resources, and necessities to thrive. Though challenges in their family remained, there was now hope for Hamsini and her sister, offering them a chance for a better future.

Hamsini’s story is one of IGP’s many stories of empowerment and hope. Every day, girls in India face struggles much like hers. IGP is dedicated to reaching these precious girls and giving them opportunities for a bright future. We are the sole international humanitarian organization working with grassroots organizations in India to prevent female gendercide and trafficking and to protect and save girls’ lives.

*Names changed for privacy.

Equality for girls in India
starts with people like you