Girls United: Campaigning Against Female Gendercide in Rural Communities
As of recently, IGP has a new partner who is making incredible progress in combating the horrifying practices of female gendercide. This partner, based in the state of Maharashtra, has reached over 22,832 people in a four month period (from July to September 2023). They have achieved over 65% of our target goal! Their work […]
A Story of Hope and Transformation this Giving Tuesday
Today is Giving Tuesday, and we are sharing the story of Amalya*. Her story is one many girls in India can relate to. It highlights key areas of the abuse and injustice that girls often face. Amalya’s family wanted a boy. When Amalya was born instead, her family didn’t celebrate. Instead, they verbally abused her mother […]
#EveryGirl in India is valuable, worthy, and equal to any boy
At the end of 2021, we rescued 163 girls who now need sponsors. We want a future in India with girls in it—and TODAY we’re launching a sponsorship campaign called #EveryGirl. We want #EveryGirl in India to know she is valued, worthy, and equal to any boy and we want #EveryGirl that we rescue to […]
You need to hear Aaliyah’s story. We all do.
When faced with marriage to an older man, Aaliyah* walked 8.5 miles barefoot and alone to find our local partner. We immediately placed her in a safe home where she now receives regular care, counseling, and a good education as part of our sponsorship program! Listen to Aaliyah’s story in her own words to see how […]
The impact of school shutdowns on girls in India
Classrooms in many parts of India don’t look like this right now. Instead, desks are empty and books stay unopened on dusty shelves.