Maira’s story

After Maira’s* father died, her mother’s financial stress caused her to see Maira as a burden. They lived in extreme poverty—with an income of about $20 a month. Maira was pulled out of school because of the cost of tuition and her mother’s belief that she didn’t need more education. And Maira’s mother almost married her off illegally to an older man.

When we met Maira, the vibrant and bright teenager was desperate to continue her education and be safe from an early marriage. Because of our sponsorship program, she had the support and resources to graduate high school in 2019 and is now studying botany, zoology, and chemistry in college.

Our RICE (rescue, intervention, care & counseling, education & empowerment) program really works. And your support makes it possible. Give RICE now.

Equality for girls in India
starts with people like you