Hana’s* Rescue 

Hana* grew up in a family with strong patriarchal values. From a young age, she faced significant challenges due to gender bias and family issues. Her father believed only a son could continue the family’s legacy, often sidelining Hana and her sisters. Although her mother loved Hana and her sisters deeply, their father’s harsh expectations deeply affected the entire family. 

As Hana became a teenager, maturing into a young woman, her father’s frustrations turned into anger and abuse, worsened by his drinking and belief in male superiority. To protect her, Hana’s mother made the painful decision to send her to a government safe-home to escape their unstable home environment. 

Though she was safe from immediate harm, Hana struggled with the emotional aftermath of her upbringing. However, she held onto hope and continued her education with determination, aiming to overcome the abuse and discrimination she faced. A turning point came when one of our partner’s social workers stepped into her life, providing support and showing her that she was not alone. With help from our organization, Hana began to find relief and a sense of community. 

Despite ongoing challenges, Hana’s unbroken spirit stands as a powerful example of resilience. Our organization remains committed to supporting her, and advocating for her right to live free from violence and oppression. 

As we follow Hana’s progress, we renew our pledge to protect the rights of every girl child and work towards ending discrimination against all girls in India. 

Hana’s story is one of IGP’s many stories of empowerment and hope. Every day, girls in India face struggles much like hers. IGP is dedicated to reaching these precious girls and giving them opportunities for a bright future. We are the sole international humanitarian organization working with grassroots organizations in India to rescue girls from abuse and neglect because of gender bias, to prevent trafficking, to save girls’ lives, and to end female gendercide. 

*Name changed for privacy.

Equality for girls in India
starts with people like you