
RESCUE Program

Our proven strategy is RICE

Our RICE (Rescue. Intervention. Care. Empowerment) program rescues vulnerable babies and girls from being killed or trafficked, intervenes in the lives of at-risk families to support their daughters, holistically cares for rescued girls, and empowers them through education in order to end female gendercide in India.

The RESCUE program

We rescue girls from life-threatening danger by partnering with local organizations in India to rescue girls from infanticide, violence, child labor, and child marriage. We also care for girls who were abandoned or vulnerable to trafficking or prostitution.


We intervene in the legal system: where laws have been broken or lives have been taken, we pursue justice for victims in the local court system. We’re making sure that laws regarding child marriage are being upheld so that children aren’t forced to be wives.


We advocate for healing through trauma counseling so that no girls are left on their own to process what they’ve faced. Rescued girls regularly meet with social workers in order to experience healing and restoration from all they’ve been hurt by.


We provide the education every girl deserves. Girls’ rights are human rights, and rescued girls are consistently hearing this truth. We also provide quality education or training in a trade so that rescued girls can break the cycle of gendercide in their family.

With our holistic RICE program, we reach over 60 rural villages and slums across India so that girls and women can lead full, productive lives and can ultimately be change-makers in their culture.